43. Schmucksymposium Zimmerhof
/ 23. bis 26. Juni 2011

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Alumni -> Mieke Dierckx (BE) „Private Courtyards“ | Attai Chen (IL) „Compounding Fractures“| Liesbet Bussche (BE) „Urban Jewellery“ | Pavol Prekop (SK) „How to steal the world“ | Laura Alvarado (CO) „Interdisciplinary Jewellery“ | stellen ihre Arbeiten vor

Mieke Dierckx (BE)
„Private Courtyards“

Mieke Dierckx [born 1984] graduated in 2009 in Jewellery Design and Silversmithing at the Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg  (PHL). Previously she studied Interior and Furniture Design at the Katholieke Hogeschool Mechelen. After her studies she was involved in the research project ‘Dodesign’ as a project assistant. She also participated ‘Toegepast 15’, a project of Design Platform Limburg and Z33. Now she is developing jewellery and objects on demand, for exhibitions and new projects.

Attai Chen (IL)
„Compounding Fractures“

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Liesbet Bussche (BE)
„Urban Jewellery“
Born in 1980 in Antwerp, Belgium. She lives and works in Amsterdam.
She studied design and goldsmithing at Sint Lucas Antwerpen and Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam. And did a master artistic research at UVA Amsterdam.
She participated in several exhibitions in Belgium; the Netherlands and Sweden and received a grant from The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture

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Pavol Prekop (SK)
„How to steal the world“
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Laura Alvarado (CO)
„Interdisciplinary Jewellery“
Born in 1977 in Bogota, Colombia. She lives and studies in Dussedorf, Germany.
She is a graduate Industrial Designer from the UJTL in Bogota, Colombia and is finishing her studies in Product and Jewelry Design an the Fachohschule Dusseldorf. 
She has taken part in exhibitions in Germany, Austria, Belgium and Holland and makes part of the exhibiton Think Twice: New Latin American Jewelry in New York and Seattle. 
She also participated in 2009 the grounding of the group 'Formativ', a design initiative that devotes itself to playful and experimental explorations of digital image editing technologies and rapid prototyping.
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