43. Schmucksymposium Zimmerhof
/ 23. bis 26. Juni 2011

—Konzept   —Programm   —Anmeldung   —mehr Infos   —History

Gisbert Stach (DE)
„Ist doch alles super Schmuck“

born in Freiburg/ Breisgau, Germany, in 1963 / Professional training as silversmith at the Staatliche Berufsfachschule für Glas und Schmuck, Kaufbeuren-Neugablonz, Germany, 1984-87 / University of Applied Sciences for Art and Design, Cologne, Germany, subject: sculpture and jewellery with Professor Peter Skubic, 1988-90 / Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Germany, subject: jewellery and equipment with Professor Otto Künzli, 1991-96; Diploma / Lives and works in Graefelfing and Munich, Germany
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