43. Schmucksymposium Zimmerhof
/ 23. bis 26. Juni 2011

—Konzept   —Programm   —Anmeldung   —mehr Infos   —History

Peter Vermandere (BE)
„The towering tale of Petrophorus Rockhead“

born in Nieuwpoort 2 december 1969, maker of things since the time he could walk and mainly making jewellery since 1994. Co-founder of Zijsprong gallery in 1998 and Vermandere-Verheyden store since 2004. He made solo exhibitions and curated and participated in exhibitions in Belgium and abroad of which you find a selection since 2000 hereafter. He has been a lecturer, writer and part-time teacher at most of the Belgian Jewellery departments. He loves stones, pearls, guitars and cigars (if they are Cuban).
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