43. Schmucksymposium Zimmerhof
/ 23. bis 26. Juni 2011

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Faten Nastas (PS)
„Reflections from Palestine“

Born and lives in Bethlehem, Palestine, Faten Nastas Mitwasi, is an installation artist who utilizes both "hand-made" and "ready-made" objects. She received her Master in Fine Art (M.F.A.) from Bezalel Academy for Fine Art & Design in Jerusalem.Past works have incorporated texts, dear diary pages, and delicate pieces involving embroidery and crafted paper, as well as photographs, audio and video films. Her art isn't intended to be politically straight forward; her concerns are with the social, emotional, and psychological aspects of life that derive from the politically polarized environment in which we live in. Her main concepts are around “place”, “time”, “human being”, “fragmentation” and “memory”.
Her work has been exhibited in Japan, Germany, USA, Sweden and throughout the Middle East.
In addition, she is a scholar in the Palestinian art, and she is the author of the book "an artist from Palestine: Sliman Mansour".
Currently, she is the Chairperson of the Visual Arts Department at Dar al-Kalima College in Bethlehem.
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